Even though I'm quite a reserved person, I like meeting people. - someone who tends not to talk about or show their feelings, He was an immensely likeable companion away from the microphone and a most sympathetic colleague to work with. - pleasant, friendly, and easy to like, Most young people are decent and honest. - a person who does not tell lies or cheat people, and obeys the law, Just give me a straightforward answer. - clear and honest, He was amazingly inventive and resourceful, and played a major role in my career. - Someone who is good at finding ways of dealing with problems., She has a reputation for being a fiercely competitive player. - always trying to be more successful than other people, Alice can look after the children. She’s very reliable. - someone who you can trust to behave well, work hard, or do what you expect them to do, He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader. - A person who can be trusted completely., He is a stubborn character used to getting his own way. - someone who is inflexible, not willing to change their ideas or to consider anyone else’s reasons or arguments, Idealistic young people died for the cause. - people who have ideals, and base their behaviour on these ideals, even though this may be impractical., I'm trying to be less judgmental. - Someone who forms opinions of people and situations very quickly, when it would be better for him/her to wait until he/she knows more about the person or situation.,


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