Which is more scary, feeding a kitten or feeding a tiger?, Which is heavier, a chair or a cup?, Which is more fun, going to the Dr.'s office or going to an amusement park?, Which is a nicer present, a new game or a slice of bread?, Which is quicker, pouring a glass of water or making a milk shake?, Which takes less time, washing your hands or taking a bath?, Which costs more, a granola bar or a pair of shoes?, Which is better for you, a piece of cake or an apple?, Which is easier to peel, a banana or an orange?, Which takes more people to do, pla kick ball or play the piano?, Which breaks more easily if you drop it, a basket or a mirror?, Which is harder to do, color a picture or multiply numbers?, Which is longer, a morning or a day?, Which costs less, a bicycle or a lunch box?, Which should you do first after dinner, do your homework or play games?, Which tastes better, flour or sugar?, For which task do you need to be stronger, pushing a baby carriage or someone on a swing?, Which takes more work building a model ship or taking out the garbage?, Which one makes you happier, washing the dishes or going swimming?, Which takes more planning, going to the movies or getting a snack from the refigerator?, Which can jump higher, a kangaroo or a rabbit?, Which is more of a risk, eating soup with a fork or riding a bike with no helmet?, Who is more easily seen outside at night, someone wearing a white shirt or someone wearing a black shirt?.

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