Unilateral - An offer where only one party promises something, Hyde v Wrench - A counter offer terminates the original offer, Errington v Errington - No revocation when acceptance is ongoing, Offeree - The person to whom the offer is made, Byrne v Van Tienhoven - Confirms the general rule of revocation, Offeror - The person making the offer, Revocation - When the offeror withdraws the offer, Invitation to treat - An opportunity to negotiate or form an offer, Agreement - Offer + acceptance = ?, Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball - A very famous unilateral offer case, Bilateral - An offer where both parties promise something, Must be communicated - The general rule on revocation, Dickinson v Dodds - A reliable 3rd party might be able to revoke, Ramsgate Victoria Hotel - Lapse of time can terminate an offer, In a shop window - Goods on display here are an ITT, Partridge v Crittenden - Wild birds were advertised in magazines, At the counter - Where the offer took place in the Boots case, Offer - An expression of willingness to be bound on certain terms, Harvey v Facey - A response to 'lowest cash price' was not an offer, Bradbury v Morgan - Death of the offeror can terminate the offer,

ITT and offer


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