Amelia said 'I hate biscuits because they're too sweet', 'Where are you going?' my father asked me, She asked Tom, 'Do you want to go to the concert?', 'Who was that?', my sister asked., 'We went to London 3 years ago', Amy told Jess. , Kathy asked him, 'Have you ever been to Los Angeles?', 'I saw my friend yesterday', she said. , 'Remember to water the plants', Tobey asked Julia., 'Be careful, some spiders are dangerous', my mom warned me. , 'Okay, I ate the chocolate', John admitted. , 'She's going to the concert today', said Emily., 'I did my homework yesterday', said Joe., 'I'm going to the cinema next week', said Eric., 'What have you been up to lately?´ my friend asked., Jane asked him, ´Have you ever ridden a quad bike?´.

Reported speech: random wheel.


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