Wrong phrases: I‘m making a travel., She learned us English., I agree to Elon Musk., He has good notes., I play football for 3 years, Eventually this works., This topic is actual., We are thick friends., Let‘s eat some desert., I like eating flesh., I use my handy a lot., I enjoy drinking café., I don‘t like critic., Which mark is your T-shirt?, What‘s your meaning?, Germany is my country., He is my chef., My grandparents get a rent., Germany has many fabrics., She winked to me., I become an ice-cream., Good phrases: I‘m making a trip., She taught us English., I agree with Elon Musk., He has good grades., I‘ve been playing football for 3 years., Possibly this works., This topic is current., We are close friends., Let‘s eat some dessert., I like eating meat., I use my mobile a lot., I enjoy drinking coffee., I don‘t like criticism., Which brand is your T-shirt?, What‘s your opinion, Germany is my land., He is my boss., My grandparents get a pension., Germany has many factories., She waved to me., I get an ice-cream.,

Good Phrases to know



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