1) 1345 a) One hundred and forty-five b) One thousand, one hundred and forty-three c) One thousand, three hundred and forty-five d) One hundred, three thousand and forty-five 2) 199 a) One hundred and ninety-nine b) One hundred and nineteen c) One thousand and ninety-nine d) One hundred and forty-nine 3) 3000 a) Three hundred b) Three thousand c) Thirty thousand d) Thirteen thousand 4) 555 a) Five hundred and fifteen b) Five thousand and five hundred c) Five hundred and fifty-five d) Five hundred and fifty-three 5) 6200 a) Six thousand, two hundred b) Six thousand six hundred c) Six thousand three hundred d) Six thousand six thousand 6) 754 a) Seven hundred and forty-four b) Seven thousand and five hundred c) Seven thousand fifty four d) Seven hundred and fifty-four


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