1) We …. go to school every day, but we …… go to school on Sunday.  a) has to ..... doesn’t have to b) have to .... don’t have to 2) My brother and I ……. make breakfast. Our mum makes it. a) don’t have to ….. doesn’t have to b) have to ..... has to 3) Mum …. go shopping. Dad goes shopping twice a week. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to 4) Dad ….. wash our car at weekends. a) have to b) has to 5) Mum …. drive to work. She walks.  a) have to  b) doesn’t have to 6) We …… wear a school uniform. It’s dark blue.  a) have to   b) has to 7) I …. get up early on weekdays, but I …. get up early on Sunday. a) has to ..... doesn’t have to b) have to .... don’t have to 8) I ….. do my homework every day. a) has to b) have to 9) Jake …. go shopping but he ….. wash the dishes. a) has to ..... doesn’t have to b) have to .... don’t have to 10) Alice ….. make breakfast but she ….. clean the rooms. a) have to .... don’t have to b) has to ..... doesn’t have to

have to, don’t have to /has to, doesn’t have to


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