A cold day in July - Something that will never happen, A snowball's chance in hell - To be very unlikely to succeed at something, All wet - Completely mistaken, Blood and thunder - A dramatic, spectacular performance, Spit into the wind - Wasting time on something futile, Chase rainbows - To pursue unrealistic goals, Come rain or shine - Do regularly, whatever the circumstances, Steal someone's thunder - upstage someone, Dead of winter - The coldest, darkest part of winter, Dog days of the summer - The hottest days of summer, Have your head in the clouds - Not know what is happening around you, In the dark - Not informed, It never rains but it pours - Bad luck and bad things tend to happen at the same time, On cloud nine - extremely happy, Once in a blue moon - Very rarely, Rain cats and dogs - Rain heavily, Soak up the sun - To enjoy the sun, Under the weather - Feeling ill,


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