in comparison with - the process of comparing two or more people or things, in conjunction with - working, happening, or being used with someone or something else, In addition to - used to add another piece of information to what you have just said, to some extent (=partly) - used to say how true something is or how great an effect or change is, in line with - if something changes in line with something else, it changes in the same way and at the same rate as it, In spite of - without being affected or prevented by something, in particular - especially, with the exception - something or someone that is not included in a general statement or does not follow a rule or pattern, on the whole - used to say that something is generally true, in any respect - in any way, in relation to - used to talk about something that is connected with or compared with the thing you are talking about, in terms of - if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event,


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