The Explorers were travelling in the Amazon. They were looking ____ the lost tribe there. First, they had to go ____ the river by motorboat. Pops said they didn't have motorboats in the ____, they used a canoe. He could ____ really well. Then, the Explorers saw a monkey in the trees. They wanted to ____ a picture of it. Eva and Mac used their phones but Pops used an old camera - it still worked. He took photos with it when he worked as a ____ journalist. After that, they had to use a map. Pops wanted to ____ a paper map. He could do it really ____. However, Eva and Mac knew how to use ____ on their phones. Finally, when they met the ____ it turned out the locals had cool phones like Eva and Mac so they could communicate with a ____ app. Pops was very surprised and dissapointed because he wanted to use a ____.

2.3 Amazon adventure Summary (GG4)


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