1) She doesn't like the food__________ I prepare for lunch a) Who b) When c) Which d) Where e) Whose 2) She was born at a time_______ life was really difficult for girls in her village a) Where b) Whose c) Which d) Who e) When 3) The classroom_______ they do homework is still closed a) Where b) When c) Who d) Which e) Whose 4) The boy forgot to bring the pictures_______ he had taken on holidays a) Where b) Who c) Which d) Whose e) When 5) The football pitches__________ the children are playing now are very dry a) When b) Where c) Whose d) Who e) Which 6) I prefer the football pitches__________ we see on television a) Where b) When c) Who d) Which e) Whose 7) The players__________ got ill last week won't play the next match a) Whose b) Who c) Where d) When e) Which 8) The magazines__________ covers were red are in the cupboard a) Who b) Whose c) Which d) When e) Where 9) That month_________ there were so many storms was unforgettable a) Where b) Who c) When d) Whose e) Which 10) This is the dog_________ bit my hand a) Which b) Who c) Whose d) Where e) When

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