1) detects sounds and send signals to the brain. a) the ear b) the brain c) the eyes 2) It is made of pinna, auditory canal and eardrum. a) inner ear b) outer ear c) middle ear 3) contains the ossicles a) inner ear b) middle ear c) outer ear 4) gathers the sound wave and directs it to eardrum. a) inner ear b) outer ear c) middle ear 5) vibrate and make the ossicle vibrate. a) the ear canal b) the ear drum c) the cochlea 6) the smallest bones in your body a) the ossicles b) the femur c) the jaw bone 7) it helps us to balance. a) cochlea b) semi circular canal c) ossicles 8) is shaped like snail a) cochlea b) oval window c) ear drum 9) It contains fluids and hair to detect sounds a) ear drum b) nerve c) cochlea 10) Loud sounds can perforate a) auditory canal b) ear drum c) oval window 11) it converts sounds to electrical signals a) headset b) microphone c) loud speaker 12) sound wave a) longitudinal b) transversal 13) it is composed of compression and rarefaction a) sound wave b) light wave 14) it produces sound waves to communicate in water a) dolphins b) sharks c) frogs


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