used to measure hours of sunshine - stokes campbell recorder, used to measure amount of rainfall - rain gauge, used to measure air pressure - barometer, used to measure wind speed - anemometer, used to measure wind direction - wind vane, unit of measurement for air pressure - millibar, lines of a weather chart that connect points of equal air pressure - isobars, lines on weather charts showing amount of sunshine - isohels, lines on weather charts showing rainfall - isohyets, a high pressure weather system - anti-cyclone, a low pressure weather system - depression, does a depression bring fine or unsettled weather - unsettled, does an anti-cyclone bring fine or unsettled weather - fine, high wispy clouds - cirrus, white fluffy clouds - cumulus, clouds that give an overcast sky - stratus, type of rain caused by air ramping over a mountain -  relief rain, type of rain caused by 2 air masses colliding - frontal rain, type of rain caused by intense heating of the ground - convectional rain, ocean current that impacts on Ireland's climate - North Atlantic Drift, cold ocean current along Canada's east coast - Labrador current, name 2 greenhouse gases - Carbon dioxide , methane, chemical formula for carbon dioxide - CO2, liquid water turning into water vapour - evaporation, water vapour changing into liquid water - condensation, water leaving the atmosphere and returning to the surface - precipitation, rain, slow, sleet, frost, hail are all examples of what - precipitation, water draining from the land back to the ocean - surface run-off, lines on a weather chart that shows temperature - isotherms, instrument used to measure temperature - thermometer, instrument used to measure humidity - hygrometer, what slatted box used to house weather instruments - Stevenson screen, science of studying the weather - meteorology,

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