1) I was perplexed ( ) when had he arrived? a) Comma b) Semi-colon 2) Suddenly he arrived ( ) back after four long years away. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 3) I knew you were tired ( ) even though you didn't say anything. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 4) You can wear what you like tomorrow ( ) it's a non-uniform day. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 5) Don't tell me to calm down ( ) it's not helpful. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 6) I wondered where you were ( ) I was starting to get worried. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 7) The weather was atrocious ( ) a real disappointment for all of us.   a) Comma b) Semi-colon 8) Even if it is late when you come home ( ) you still need to do your homework. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 9) As far as I know ( ) it doesn't matter what you wear tomorrow. a) Comma b) Semi-colon 10) Don't worry about your mistake ( ) everyone gets it wrong sometimes. a) Comma b) Semi-colon

Semi-colon or comma?


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