anxiety - a feeling of worry and being nervous., apparently - something that seems to be true based on what is known or seen., appear - to give the impression of being or doing something, believe in - to have faith or trust in , come to - regarding something, about, condition - a state or situation, findings - results or conclusions discovered through research., in actual fact - in reality or truthfully , issue - a problem or a topic, mixture - a combination of different things blended together , native - refers to someone or something that originates from a particular place , past - refers to the time before the present, popular - means liked or enjoyed by many people., question - a sentence or phrase asked to get information or an answer., significantly - in an important, large, or noticeable way., skillfully - doing something with great ability and expertise., still - not moving or making a sound/continuing to happen despite changes., study - learning about a subject, usually by researching, or observing., unhealthy - something that is bad for your body, unlike - not similar to or different from ,

Perfecting Vocabulary P.24: Difinitions-Irisroz students(crossword)


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