: what will you do if you win 20.000 euros? Answer by repeating the structure "if I ....., What country or city will you probably live in? Why?, Do you think you will be married or single? Why? , 1. what do you think of the 2-euro tshirt video? 2. make a summary of the video 3. what was the message?, 1. Who do you look up to? Why? 2. What's their job? 3. What, 1. what are you wearing today? 2. describe what your teacher of English is wearing, 1. What kind of job will you probably have? 2. What will your salary be? 3. what will you do with your salary?, Describe the picture and make up a story (I think they are 4 siblings and they are going to /getting ready for ....), What foreign languages will you study? 2. Why? 3. what languages you are not interested in? 4. Why?, 1. Where are you going to go this summer? 2. what are you going to do? 3. Who are you going with?, 1. Where do you live now 2. Where will you live in the future? (describe and compare the house where you live now and your dream house), 1.Where did you go on holiday last summer? 2. When did you go? 3. Who did you go with? 4. What did you do there? 5. Where did you stay?, how many meanings does the "be going to have"? Make and example for each, 1. What are your favourite clothes? 2. where did you get them? 3. Why do you like them? 4. What clothes would you like to have in the future?, Do you think that tattoos will still be trendy in 20 years time? Why? , 1. What do you think you will do after school? 2. why, what kind of houses are these? Where can you find them? , Where would you like to live? in the countryside, on the beach, in the mountains, in a city, or in the outskirts of a city? Why? (always give reasons and use comparatives and superlatives), what's the weather like today? , do you remember any idiomatic expression with the weather? , what's the weather like?, what is this? Why are there different flags?,

Y2 end of year oral test


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