1) Most of the ............................... cultures were completely wiped out by the White Colonizers. a) indigenous b) ancestors 2) In order to ........................... in today's world of technology, you need to be aware of all the technological advancement.  a) destroy b) survive 3) In a new situation, the best strategy to ...................... is to be flexible and relaxed. a) adapt b) survive 4) The original ...............................of Aborigines are in Australia. a) indigenous b) roots 5) Some rare species are being ............................ today, especially pandas. a) endangered b) destroyed 6) Our ...................................... were the first immigrants from Italy.  a) generations b) ancestors 7) Some young teens have a .............................. lifestyle where they set off on long journeys. a) nomadic b) typical 8) The construction workers are .............................. the building across the street. It is quite a mess. a) destroying b) collecting 9) Every person has some ............................ qualities that make him/her a special one. a) talents b) unique 10) .......................... is the true mirror of all society's ups and downs. a) Culture b) Perception

Choose the right answers (unit 8) Skills 2


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