Andrew Carnegie - Poor Scottish immigrant, Worked his way up through the railroad and steel industry, Slowly gained control of all parts of the industry, iron mines, steel mills, railroads, and shipping lines owned by Carnegie corporation, John D. Rockefeller - Self-made man, Brilliant entrepreneur, Standard Oil Trust- crushed competition, Donated to many charities, Temperance movement - Women’s Christian Temperance Movement pushed for a constitutional ban on alcohol, Women’s suffrage movement - Beginning in the mid-19th century, several generations of woman suffrage supporters lectured, wrote, marched, persuaded, and practiced civil disobedience to achieve what many Americans considered a radical change in the Constitution – guaranteeing women the right to vote., Jacob Riis - photographed shocking images of slum life in NYC, Upton Sinclair - He pioneered the kind of journalism known as "muckraking.", Mass production - the production of large quantities, The Jungle - Influenced the establishment of the Pure Food and Drug Act as well as the Meat Inspection Act, muckrakers - Term coined by Teddy Roosevelt, Referred to journalists who exposed corruption at all levels of government and business, Susan B Anthony - Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women's rights activist who played a pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement., Meat Inspection Act - prohibited the sale of adulterated or misbranded livestock and derived products as food and ensured sanitary slaughtering and processing of livestock., Alice Paul - worked tirelessly to get a constitution amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote across the country, She met many times with President Wilson and finally gained his support, Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt - Former NYC police chief, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Military leader during Spanish American war “rough riders”, Governor of New York, Became President after William McKinley was assassinated, Led through the force of his personality, economy - the way that a society or nation produces and distributes goods and services, Inflation  - an increase in the cost of goods and services over time, capitalism - economic system in which the means of production, such as land, labor, and machinery, are owned privately, communism - political and economic system in which the government owns or controls the factors of production, socialism - a political and economic system in which most property and resources, such as factories or farms, are publicly owned or controlled., strike - work stoppage by employees, designed to force employers to make changes in workers’ wages, benefits, or working conditions, collective bargaining - labor negotiation that takes place between employers and workers’ representatives. The goal of such bargaining is to negotiate and set forth the terms of employment.,

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