immerse - To dive deeply into a subject or activity with enthusiasm., distribute - To spread or share something among various individuals or groups., attach - To connect or fasten one thing to another., administer - To manage or oversee the execution of a task or process., absorb - To take in or assimilate something, often knowledge or information., flatten - To make something level or smooth by removing bumps or irregularities., estimate - To provide a rough calculation or approximation of a quantity or value., indicate - To point out or suggest something, typically by signs or signals., complete - To finish or fulfill a task or process in its entirety., illustrate - To clarify or explain something by providing examples or visual aids., essential - Absolutely necessary or fundamental for a particular purpose., crucial - Extremely important or decisive in determining an outcome., correctly - In an accurate or precise manner without error., accurately - With precision and exactness, without mistakes., cautiously - In a careful or prudent manner, avoiding unnecessary risks., patiently - With calmness and tolerance, especially when faced with delays or difficulties.,

Exploring Spellings Unit 14


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