1) The Department of Justice is set to file a petition to cite in contempt the lawyers of Sen. Leila De Lima for publicly discussing the trial proceedings. Prosecutor General Benedicto Malcontento said De Lima’s lawyers are doing something contemptuous as it violates the sub judice (before a judge or court) rule. What is the news all about? a) Lawyers of Sen. Leila De Lima passed a petition against the Department of Justice. b) The Department of Justice will file a petition against the lawyers of Sen. Leila De Lima for publicly discussing the trial proceedings. c) The Department of Justice is filing a case against Sen. Leila De Lima. d) Sen. Leila De Lima assures the Department of Justice of her innocence. 2) Based on the given news lead, who will be filed a petition for citing in contempt? a) Sen. Leila De Lima b) Prosecutor General Benedicto Malcontento c) Sen. Leila De Lima’s lawyers d) Department of Justice 3) The number of Filipinos abroad infected with the coronavirus on Tuesday stood at 11,501, with officials reporting 27 new cases from three regions. A daily bulletin by the foreign affairs department showed that the additional Filipino virus patients were from the Americas, Asia and Europe. The death count, meanwhile, has stayed at 828 with no new fatalities reported for November 10. How many Filipinos abroad are infected with COVID-19? a) 15, 101 b) 10, 151 c) 11, 501 d) 11, 105 4) Based on the given news lead, from what countries did the news report base the data? a) Americas, Asia and Europe b) Americas, Asia and Middle East c) Americas, Africa and Middle East d) Americas, Europe and Africa 5) Based on the given news lead, when was the data on Filipino having COVID-19 cases reported? a) November 8 b) November 9 c) November 10 d) November 11 6) It is a type of speech that helps the speaker create an accurate mental picture in the mind of an audience regarding a specific person, place, or thing. a) Explanatory b) Definition c) Demonstrative d) Descriptive 7) It is a type of speech that describes how to perform an action. a) Explanatory b) Descriptive c) Demonstrative d) Definition 8) It is useful if an issue is too complex for one person to handle, or if the audience needs to be exposed to various viewpoints at the same session. a) Panel Discussion b) Debate c) Discourse d) Dialogue e) Interview 9) It is an essentially structured conversation where one participant asks questions and the other provides answers. a) Panel Discussion b) Debate c) Discourse d) Dialogue e) Interview 10) It is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people, and a literary and theatrical form that depicts such an exchange. a) Panel Discussion b) Debate c) Discourse d) Dialogue e) Interview 11) Which of the following best defines textual aids? a) tools that block the understanding of texts and phrases b) tools that emphasize the understanding of texts, images, and graphs c) tools that offer a different explanation to the lesson/ concept d) tools that make concept neat and attractive 12) Given the information on population of Barangay San Isidro from 2015-2020, what textual aid should we use to best represent the said information? a) pie graph b) timeline c) Venn diagram d) bar graph 13) If you were asked to identify the similarities and differences of COVID-19 and common flu, what textual aid should you use? a) pie graph b) bar graph c) Venn diagram d) timeline 14) What organizer can best explain the reason why something happens or explains the effects of something. a) cause and effect diagram b) pie graph c) timeline d) Venn diagram 15) What non-linear illustration presents information in rows and columns? a) bar graph b) concept map c) pie chart d) table 16) Which textual aid is best if we want to show the relationships of different concepts? a) timeline b) bar graph c) concept map d) Venn diagram 17) Which non-linear illustration is best suitable to illustrate the relative sizes of data present? a) pie chart b) bar graph c) line graph d) table 18) Which organizer is best to use when showing the connection of the different systems of the human body? a) Venn diagram b) concept map c) timeline d) pie chart 19) Which of the following topics is best presented using a timeline? Which of the following topics is best presented using a timeline? Which of the following topics is best presented using a timeline?  a) similarities and differences of a dog, a fox, and a wolf b) growth of the Facebook company c) types of chemical reactions d) illustration of proportions of favorite movies among teenagers 20) Which of the following topics is best presented using a bar graph? a) people and their preferred type of chocolate b) allocation of daily chores c) schedule of television programs d) comparison of teachers and students 21) What is denotation? a) The feelings surrounding a word. b) Human characteristics c) The dictionary meaning d) Sound devices 22) Which term means the feelings and ideas associated with the word? a) connotation b) denotation c) definition d) resolution 23) Many little girls are entranced by the story of Cinderella; some so much that when they're older they search for Cinderella wedding ideas. What is the meaning of the emphasized word?? a) motivated b) charmed c) pleased d) envious 24) Which is the most exciting part of the story? a) resolution b) exposition c) falling action d) climax 25) What were Orpheus’ greatest strength and weakness? a) The greatest strength of Orpheus is his painting ability and his greatest weakness is his lack of love for his wife. b) The greatest strength of Orpheus is his physical appearance and his greatest weakness is his lack of trust and his impatience. c) The greatest strength of Orpheus is his wisdom and his greatest weakness is his family. d) The greatest strength of Orpheus is his musical ability and his greatest weakness is his lack of trust and his impatience. 26) This is the development of the characters based on description. a) Climax b) Characterization c) Resolution d) Falling Action 27) When the author tells what something looks like, the author uses _________. a) Narrative writing b) Persuasive writing c) Expository writing d) Descriptive Writing 28) Which of the following is the primary purpose of narrative writing? a) To inform or teach the reader b) To recount events c) To convince a reader d) To describe 29) Which of the following show the elements of plot in a usual order? Which of the following show the elements of plot in a usual order?  I. Climax, II. Exposition, III. Rising Action, IV. Resolution, Falling Action a) I, II, III, IV and V b) II, V, III, IV and II c) II, III, I, V and IV d) V, IV, III, II and I 30) Which is the correct term for what could be described as the “turning point” of the story? a) climax b) resolution c) falling action d) rising action

1st Summative Test in English 10


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