Teens are starting to appear in the ____ more and more because of their ____ invention ideas. Many new inventions are for the mobile phone app market. Young people ____ are still at school ____ designed some very successful apps.For example, Arjun Kumar from India ____ the Ez School Bus Locator at just 14, an app ____ lets parents know if their child is ____ the bus and where the bus is and when it ____ reach home. By age 16, Julian Wyzykowski had created eight mobile apps and games and started his ____ company ____ Combustible Games. Brittany Wenger, ____ 19, developed an app named the Global Neural Network Cloud Service for Breast Cancer. The program can ____ 99 per cent of life-threatening tumors. For this work, she ____ the Google Science Fair ____ 2012. Some of the ____ popular apps and websites for teens are the ones where they can ____, microblog, ____ photos, videos and messages with a lifespan of only 1 ____ 10 seconds.

Teenage inventors and Apps


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