remote - far from towns or other places, knock down - hit sth or push sth so it falls to the ground, runway - a long surface on which an aircraft lands, erect - put sth in an upright position, expand - to become larger in size, number, amount or make sth larger, concrete - a substance used for building made by mixing sand, small stones, cement and water, accommodate - to provide someone with a place to stay, live or work, prior - already existing or arranged before the present situation, space shuttle - a vehicle that is designed to go into space and return to Earth, currently - at present, figure sth out - to think about a problem or situation until you find an answer or to understand what has happened, emergency - an unexpected and dangerous situation, round-trip ticket - a ticket for a trip from one place to another and back again, expect - to think that sth will happen because it seems likely, annual - happening once a year, bucket list - a list of things that you want to do in your life,

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