1) Northern Ireland is a part of a) The Republic of Ireland b) The United Kingdom 2) The capital of Northern Ireland is a) Belfast b) Londonderry 3) Peace Walls were built to separate a) Protestants and Catholics b) English and French 4) C. S. Lewis wrote a) Games of Thrones b) Chronicles of Narnia 5) Northern Ireland is also known as a) Iceland b) Ulster 6) Northern Ireland is separated from the island of Great Britain by a) Straits of Moyle b) the Irish Sea 7) Causeway Coastal Route runs from a) London to Belfast b) Belfast to Londonderry 8) Dark Hedges is a beautiful avenue of a) beech trees b) palm trees 9) Giant's Causeway was formed after a) great floods b) volcanic eruptions 10) A point in Northern Ireland from where you can see Great Britain is called  a) Dark Hedges b) Straits of Moyle 11) The Troubles refers to a) the fights between Catholics and Protestants b) the fights between students 12) Titanic sank on her a) maiden voyage b) tenth voyage

About Northern Ireland


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