1) In the CO–OP approach, the goals focus on: a) Underlying body structures and functions b) Underlying skill deficits c) Occupational performance d) Activity analysis 2) What is the global cognitive problem solving strategy used in the CO–OP approach to help facilitate learning? a) Goal, Plan, Do, Check b) Goal, Do, Try, Check c) Plan, Execute, Check, Revise  d) Plan, Goal, Do, Check 3) One of the key elements of guided discovery include: a) Do many thing at a time; ask, don’t tell b) Adjust, do not coach; explain, do not ask  c) Make it obvious; tell and problem solve  d) Teach task as a whole; coach and adjust 4) Which of the following is not the objective of CO-OP approach a) Skill acquisition b) Particularize c) Transfer d) Strategy Use 5) CO-OP approach was first developed for a) Autism b) CP c) Developmental coordination disorder d) Asperger syndrome 6) How does CO-OP view the role of cognition in occupational performance? a) As secondary to environmental influences b) As an insignificant factor in performance c) As the primary driver of performance d) As interchangeable with physical abilities 7) Which term describes the approach that focuses directly on goal-oriented performance rather than on underlying deficits? a) Bottom-up approach b) Client-centered approach c) Top-down approach d) Process-oriented approach 8) Which characteristic is essential for training to support neuroplastic changes, according to neuroscience evidence? a) Passive engagement in activities b) Random task selection c) Task-specific, goal-driven training d) Sedentary lifestyle 9) According to the CO-OP approach, what is the purpose of dynamic performance analysis? a) To provide feedback on motor skills b) To identify potential environmental barriers c) To analyze performance issues during task execution d) To measure cognitive function 10) In client centered practice, interactions should not promote a) Autonomy b) Empowerment c) Interdependance d) Control for the clients 11) Guided discovery is: a) Traditional lecture-based instruction technique b) Passive learning technique c) Rote memorization techniques d) A method of instruction designed to facilitate active learning 12) Which of the following is NOT a key feature of the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) approach? a) Client-chosen goals b) Dynamic performance analysis c) Direct intervention at the level of performance components d) Problem solving strategy

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