These are the worst floods in living memory. - for as long as people alive can remember, I'm sorry I missed your birthday. It just slipped my mind with everything that's going on.  - was forgotten, Visiting the seaside for the first time is my most vivid childhood memory. - something remembered from my early years, I'm sorry, what was I just saying? I've completely lost my train of thought. - forgotten what I wanted to say, What's that actor's name? I have a bad memory for names. - don't remember a particular sort of thing easily, I told you Mr Charles doesn't like children sitting on his fence, and now he's told you off. Let that serve as a reminder to you.  - help someone remember something important, When you take Granny out, bear in mind that she can't walk very far, so park close to the shops. - remember, If I take that job, I'll really have to refresh my memory where databases are concerned. - remind myself of something, particularly knowledge,

Memory Idioms - Roadmap B2_p.158


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