You should go to the dentist. - I have a toothache, You should go to bed.  - I'm so tired., You should see the doctor. - I feel sick., You should take your jacket off. - It's so hot in here., You should eat something - I'm hungry, You should put on your sweater - I'm very cold, You should drink some water. - I'm thirsty., You should drink tea with honey. - I've got a sore throat., You should blow your nose. - I've got a runny nose., You shouldn't eat hamburgers and chocolate. - I've got a stomach ache., You should take a cold bath. - I've got a fever., You should take a pill. - I've got a headache., You shouldn't sunbathe without sunscreen - I've got sunburn., You should wash your hands. - I played in the mud and it's time to have lunch..,

Giving advice - Should/ Shouldn't


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