When we write a story, we can use ____ narration. This is when the story starts in the middle and then ____ are introduced using the Past Perfect. The story continues using normal past tenses, leading the readers to the point where it began, then goes on to the end of the story. In a narrative we can also use the following techniques: 1.description of people: When describing someone’s ____, start with the general features (____ and move on to more specific ones such as ____ ____ A description of the clothes the person is wearing can also be added. 2. description of places/buildings/scenes When describing a ____ start by describing its ____ followed by a ____ (rooms, furniture etc) or ____ (what it is made of). A variety of adjectives or reference to the senses ____ can also be included. 3.participles at the beginning of sentences (e.g.‘____ he went home.’ instead of ‘He was exhausted so he went home.’) 4. a variety of verbs (e.g. ____ instead of ‘said’) 5. similes (e.g. He felt ____ relieved that he cried like a baby.)

Techniques in narration


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