1) What is better to read a book or to watch its screen version? Why? 2) How can good reading skills help teenagers in their future career? 3) Who or what can help children shape their reading habits? 4) What are your current reading preferences? Have they changed since you were a child? 5) Do you agree that nowadays people read less than they used to in the past? 6) Do you like shopping? Why or why not? 7) Why do you think so many people enjoy the sales? 8) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of shopping online? 9) Who do you love shopping with? Why? 10) What are your favourite shops? Why do you like them? 11) What do you think schools will look like in some twenty years? 12) What kind of teachers will work at these schools? 13) What subjects will be taught at these schools? 14) How different will these schools be from today’s schools? 15) Will it be boring or fun to study at the schools of the future? 16) Do you have any experience in studying online? 17) What do you think are the main advantages and disadvantages of studying online? 18) Do you see any disadvantages of online education? 19) What subjects can be studied online with good results? 20) Would you prefer to study at university online or do you think traditional offline education is still better, why? 21) Why are zoos popular places to visit? 22) What are the functions of zoos in your opinion? 23) Do you think zoos can protect the future of many animal species? 24) What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos? 25) Are you for or against keeping animals in zoos, why?

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