1. The cake was a bit ____, making it hard to eat more than one slice. 2. ____ sugar is often used in baking to make sweets taste better. 3. The meat was so ____ that it practically melted in my mouth. 4. The coffee had a ____ taste that I didn't really enjoy. 5. Lemons have an ____ flavor that can make your mouth pucker. 6. I love ____ food, especially dishes with lots of chili peppers. 7. The chocolate mousse was ____ and velvety, making it a delightful dessert. 8. The dish looked very ____ with all the colorful vegetables. 9. The mashed potatoes turned out ____ because I didn't mash them well. 10. The dessert was ____ and rich, making it a perfect treat. 11. The candy was ____ and delicious, just what I needed. 12. The milk smelled ____, so I didn't drink it. 13. The cheese had a ____ aroma that filled the room.14. The soup was a bit ____, so I added some salt and pepper.



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