White Blood Cells - Immune cells found in the blood and lymph vessels, Antibodies - Y shaped proteins that match the spike proteins of a virus. These help the immune system recognise an infection faster the SECOND time the virus infects a person., Antigens - Something that the body recognises as foreign - spike proteins on the virus, Non specific Immune Response - A general immune response that is not specific to one single disease. Causes general feeling of being unwell and fevers., Specific Immune Response - Immune response that targets and hunts down a specific pathogen. This requires antibodies for that pathogen., Fever - High body temperature caused by the immune system trying to kill off pathogens., Primary Defense - Skin, mucous, tears, and other protective layers that stop a pathogen entering the body., Secondary Defense - Inflammation response caused by the release of histamine. Widens blood vessels near infection site so Macrophage cells can quickly arrive., Macrophage Cells - White blood cells that consume pathogens, Pathogens - Infective agents that enter the body and cause disease eg. viruses, bacteria, parasites, Tertiary Defense - Specific immune cells are activated to hunt down and destroy virus infected cells., T Cells - White blood cells that can destroy body cells infected with virus, B Cells - Make antibodies that are specific to the spike proteins on a virus, Vaccines - Weakened virus injected into a human to activate B cells to make antibodies WITHOUT actually getting sick,

Immune System


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