1) According to the 2018 Career Builder survey mentioned in the article, what percentage of companies use social networks to research job candidates? 2) What social media platform does Michael Wood suggest is the first place job seekers should focus on cleaning up? 3) How does Chatbooks, according to Madison Bohannon, handle social media checks for potential employees? 4) What values does Chatbooks look for in potential employees, as mentioned by Madison Bohannon? 5) According to Todd Hollingshead, how does BYU consider social media activity in its admissions process? 6) How did BYU junior Grace Bateman obtain her current event planning internship? 7) What does Glenn Seninger, an Oracle employee, say about the importance of a candidate's online presence? 8) According to the article, what happens when employees advance to management positions in terms of background checks? 9) What advice does the article give regarding maintaining a professional social media presence? 10) How might a poor social media image potentially impact job opportunities, based on the information in the article?

Article comprehension AWR I3-I4


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