1) baggy, big, not tight a) plain b) wrap c) typical d) loose 2) simple, without decoration a) wrap b) damaged c) plain d) stationery 3) when you made a mistake a) damaged b) fault c) typical d) stationery 4) pens and pencils a) stationery b) receipt c) fault d) bargain 5) like usual a) typical b) fault c) reduced price d) stationery 6) to put paper over something a) damaged b) loose c) wrap d) plain 7) when you buy something, you get this a) receipt b) wrap c) fault d) plain 8) when something is broken a) plain b) damaged c) fault d) loose 9) it was 50 dollars, now it's 35 dollars a) bargain b) reduced price c) plain d) fault 10) something you buy cheaply a) wrap b) bargain c) reduced price d) stationery

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