1) Mention something that you find frustrating about learning English.  2) How do you see yourself in 5 years' time? What are your aspirations for the future? 3) What do you feel like doing after the exam finishes?  4) "In our lifetime, newspapers in paper form will become a thing of the past". 5) "In 20 years' time, people will have stopped using networking sites like IG or Twitter and returned to face to face communication".  6) Living abroad: advantages and disadvantages. If you could choose to live in a foreign country, where would you like to live? 7) Name sthg you wish our local government would do to improve our city. 8) Mention 2 things you wish you hadn't done when you were a teenager. 9) If you could choose, would you rather try teleportation or wear an invisibility cloak? Why? 10) Have you ever done any dangerous sports or activities? Did you enjoy them? Would you do them again? 11) What did you use to do when you were younger that you really miss nowadays? 12) Do you think you could get used to living without technology? 13) What would you have done differently from the couple that cashed the lottery ticket? 14) If you were seriously ill, would you agree to be a guinea pig for a new kind of treatment? 15) Would you take a job in an English-speaking country, e.g. the US or the UK?  16) What would you do if you had a year off? 17) The music that means the most to you is the music you listen to as a teenager.  18) A person who sleeps well, "sleeps like a ___________." Is this your case? 19) Do you reckon we could be defined by our body language? How much aware are you about yours? 20) What are the most common crimes in your city? Have you ever been a victim of one? 21) Are there any products you think shouldn't be advertised, or shouldn't be advertised to young children?? 22) What are the most important tourists spots in our country? Have you ever been there? Is tourism an important industry in Argentina? And in our city? 23) What's your view on multinational companies like Coca-Cola, Mc Donald's or Apple? Do you buy their products or visit their stores? 24) What would you most like scientists to discover in the near future? 25) Do you remember a time when you had to "face the music" about something? 26) Can you mention something you remember doing before you were 5 years old? 27) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a megacity? Can you compare that to Rosario? 28) Do you think it should be illegal to post aggressive or threatening tweets or messages? How should it be punished? 29) Do you ______ if people are a bit late when you have arranged to meet them or do you think it doesn´t _____? MATTER/MIND 30) Mention some tips on how to spot fake news. Have you tried them? 31) Have you had something done lately? What? 32) Mention something you do now and again.  33) How would you describe Rosario's weather lately? 34) Have you ever taken a selfie on holiday in a dangerous place e.g. on the edge of a cliff?   35) What are the do's and don'ts of giving presentations in public?



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