A/An: when you mention somebody/something for the first time, to refer the number ‘one’/’each’/’per, when there is more of something and you don’t mean a particular one, before jobs, before ‘few’ and little to express the idea that you have more than expected, most aches, pains, growths, and attacks, The: mountain ranges, island groups, rivers, seas, deserts, canals, the names of theatres, cinemas, hotels, etc., countries whose name are plural in form, countries whose names include the words states, kingdom, or republic, when it is clear who/what/somebody is, to generalize a group/whole class, before a thing which is only one of a kind in the universe, when there is more of something and you mean a specific one, when there is only one of something, with superlatives, can be used with plural family names to refer to the family as a group, No article: Individual mountains, lakes, roads, streets,, the names of shops and restaurants, most countries, island, towns and cities, to speak in general about plural and uncountable nouns, before work or home, the names of illnesses or diseases, before night, noon, tomorrow, continents,



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