shrinking habitats - places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in size, endangered species - types of animals/plants which are in danger of no longer existing, climate change sceptics - people who do not believe that climate change is a serious issue, to exert severe pressure on - to put great pressure on (formal), finite resources /ˈfaɪ.naɪt/ - limited resources, to upset the ecological balance - to shatter the ecological balance, demographic projections - forecasts about the population, to grow exponentially - grow extremely rapidly, depleting resources - resources that are reducing, waste disposal - getting rid of waste, precious commodity - very valuable substance, issues of water security - the problem of how to sustain drinking water, the worst-case scenarios /sɪˈnɑː.ri.əʊ/ - the worst possibilities for the future, pristine environments - perfectly clean/untouched/unspoilt areas,


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