chocolate cake - Uncle Fred likes eating, with his friends - Uncle Fred likes running, scary stories - Lucy loves reading, her new kite - Lucy likes flying, like sitting on the rocks - Uncle Fred and Lucy, big white shells - Uncle Fred and Lucy love finding, her bike - Lucy likes riding, eat meat - Crocodiles , on the yellow planet - The is a volcano, big or small - The jellyfish is, is colourful - The jellyfish, in the kitchen, in mum's old hat - Our radio is, in the bath again - Grandma's sleeping, dad's armchair - The balloons are on, on the boy's head - There are 11 books, in the dining room - There is a tree on the wall, in the living room - There is a baby hippo, for animals in space - Billy and Splodge are looking, in a spaceship - Billy and Splodge are, on the red planet - There is a forest,



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