1) __________ the pandemic, the teacher created this exercise so that students could work from their homes. a) Therefore b) Since c) For d) As a result of 2) Some of these sentences may seem excessively long; the answers are quite easy, __________. a) in spite of b) though c) although d) as a result 3) ________ the government's slow action, many other factors are responsible for the state of the situation. a) As long as b) In addition c) Due to d) Besides 4) Accumulating toilet paper is not an act of solidarity to others, but is not dangerous in itself, _______ there is not a fire! a) as long as b) in case c) unless d) so as to 5) Many people have been taking this matter too lightly, and they have become infected _____________. a) therefore b) so c) as a result d) consequently 6) Most people won't develop any symptoms, ____________ the general alarm, which, on the other hand, is quite logical. a) despite b) however c) although d) as a consequence of

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