You are going to your best friend's wedding., You are planning a trip to Asia., You are meeting your partner's parents for the first time. , You are looking for a job. , Your neighbours have a newborn baby., Your colleagues are gossiping about the boss in the office., You are receiving offensive messages on Facebook., You have won $10,000., You are a witness in a criminal case., You have bought a new dishwasher., You are moving house., Your car has just broken down in the middle of the street., You are at a university library., Your best friend is telling you his secret., You are preparing a dinner party to your friends., You have a terrible headache., You are driving to an important meeting and you are late., Your best friend has a cold., You are thinking of downloading some pirate computer software., It is your first day at your new job., You are thinking of getting a new pet., You are going out on Friday night., You are walking home alone at night., You have just found a $1000 note on the pavement..

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