1) When you buy something, you are usually given a _________ .  a) recipe b) receipt c) bill 2) You must _________ for at least two hours a day if you want to play the piano well.  a) train b) practice c) practise 3) Most banks will _________ people money to buy house.  a) lend b) give c) borrow 4) I wonder if you can  _________ me to play the guitar? a) assist b) teach c) learn 5) I always feel very nervous when I have to _________ a speech. a) make b) perform c) do 6) We had a very _________ time in London last summer. a) fun b) nice c) funny 7) Would you _________ this letter to the Post Office, please? a) send b) take c) bring 8) The _________ in the north of Sweden is really beutiful. a) scenery b) nature c) view 9) My wife has a _________ job at a chemist's.  a) half-time b) spare-time c) part-time 10) I saw a very good _________ advertised in the paper this week.  a) job b) work c) occupation 11) If you put money in the bank, you get about 8% _________ .  a) increase b) interest c) rent 12) When I was in Denmark, I _________ a boat for a few days.  a) hired b) rented c) leased

17 Choose a word 1


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