1) What does “invention” means? a) Entdeckung b) Erfindung c) Eroberung d) Erlangen 2) What does “Gelehrte” means? a) scholar b) science c) Roman d) Monk 3) In which language does a monk write and read? a) German b) English c) Latin d) Italian 4) When somebody think he knows what happen in the future he make a ... a) law b) engine c) intention  d) prediction 5) Who is the husband from the queen? a) prince b) Duke c) a widow d) king 6) What does “Auszug” means? a) extract b) ability c) audience d) ancient 7) The opposite of hell a) heaven b) sky c) weapon d) Greek 8) When something is very old it is .... a) old b) ancient c) mention d) cotton candy  9) When you’re on a stage and people listen to you, they are the .... a) visitors b) watchers c) scientists d) audience 10) A friend wants to hear your opinion you give him an .... a) ability b) government c) advice d) council 11) What does “ evidence “ means? a) Bescheinigung b) Atlas c) Gesetz d) Beweise 12) On a wedding there is a ... to wed the two people which love each other. a) Duke b) King c) Priest d) Monk 13) Another word for : essential a) useful b) necessary c) developed d) doubt 14) What does “ engineer “ means? a) Ingenieur b) Bauer c) Anwalt d) brauchen 15) What does “Quelle” means? a) spring b) well c) quell d) source


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