1) After this class (finish) I’m going to … 2) I’m going to… before I (go) to bed today. 3) When I (see) my good friend I will … 4) If the weather (be) good tomorrow I … 5) As soon as I (have) breakfast today I will … 6) In case it (rain) tomorrow I will … 7) When I (earn) a lot of money I will … 8) I will … before I (eat) breakfast tomorrow 9) When I (be) 70 years old I will … 10) I won’t …until I (be) 60. 11) After I … I (do) my homework. 12) In case I (finish) work earlier I will … 13) As soon as I (have) free time I will … 14) When I go to the cinema next time I … 15) I will … before I (watch) TV today. 16) I will … in case I (have) a headache. 17) Before I (start) work on Moday I will… 18) I won’t … until I (get) my salary for this month. 19) Until it (be) hot I will …

Future time clauses


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