1) whos harrys godfather a) hagrid b) sirius c) dumbledore d) hank e) james f) snape 2) what cake did harry get for his 17th birthday a) snitch b) broomstick c) a butt d) a wand e) a diadem 3) what spell killed voldemort a) avada kevarda b) crutiatus curse c) imperus curse d) exspeliarmus 4) which characters broke their wand a) ron b) herminoe c) luna d) luke skywalker e) harry f) nevile 5) how much harry potter books are there besides the cursed child a) 8 b) 17 c) 1 d) 7 6) witch side is snape on a) voldemort b) harry 7) witch of these is not a harry potter book a) sorcerer stone b) the gate of secrets c) order of the pheonix d) wizard butt gass 8) where is grimald place a) russia b) the beach c) hogwarts d) london 9) who is the tallest character in harry potter that has a name a) ron b) fudge c) hagrid d) grawp e) madam maxine f) semus finagan 10) what was harrys moms name a) molly b) rachele c) tonks d) lilly 11) what was harrys wand made of a) black thorn b) a stick  c) water d) pheonix fether 12) who is harry the godfather of a) timmy b) james c) albus d) teddy 13) what spell hangs you by your ankels a) crutio b) imperio c) levicorpus d) nothing e) may the force be with you f) wingardeam leviosa 14) what did matan just say a) dinwit b) lev shut up c) this shouldint be in this quiz 15) who was herminoes crush in the 4th book a) victor krum b) ronald weasley c) harry potter d) cedric digory e) herself f) fred weasley



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