1) For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded? a) Physics and Chemistry b) Physiology or Medicine c) Literature, Peace and Economics d) All of the above. 2) Who is the father of Geometry? a) Aristotle b) Euclid c) Pythagoras d) Kepler 3) What did Galileo invent? a) The barometer b) The pendulum clock c) The microscope d) The thermometer 4) Which is the longest river in the world? a) Amazon b) Nile c) Mississippi d) Colorado 5) What language do most people speak in Austria? a) German b) Austrian c) Hungarian d) Czech 6) Which country is closer to the North Pole? a) China b) Norway c) Canada d) Finland 7) What is the name of Michelangelo's most famous sculpture? a) Leonardo b) Rafael c) Gabriel d) David 8) Who was president of the United States in 2005? a) Obama b) Bush c) Clinton d) Reagan 9) It takes a bright person to innovate! Who is credited with inventing the lightbulb? a) Alexander Graham Bell b) Benjamin Franklin c) Thomas Edison d) Joseph Wilson Swan 10) Which author wrote the American classic "Moby Dick"? a) Nathaniel Hawthorne b) Ernest Hemingway c) Herman Melville d) Henry James 11) Wich is the capital of Morocco? a) Rabat b) Acra c) Abuya d) El Cairo 12) You've decided to become an entomologist. What are you studying? a) Words b) Trees c) Kidneys d) Insects 13) What country is sushi from? a) Thailand b) Japan c) India d) France 14) According to the Old Testament, how many days did it take God to create the world? a) 1 b) 6 c) 7 d) 11 15) In golf, what is a "bogey"? a) An extra stroke. b) Hitting the ball into the sand trap c) A hole-in-one d) Missing the ball. 16) Where are the famous Egyptian pyramids located? a) Giza b) El Cairo c) Thebes d) Alexandria 17) Which island nation has the highest population? a) Australia b) England c) Indonesia d) Japan 18) Gwen Stefani was the singer of which popular 90s band? a) Blondie b) Garbage c) No doubt d) The Cranberries 19) Which famous scientist wrote his breakthrough on gravity after being hit in the head with an apple? a) Pythagoras b) Isaac Newton c) William Tell d) Johnny Appleseed 20) Who among the following was a member of The Beach Boys? a) John Lennon b) George Harrison c) Jimi Hendrix d) Brian Wilson 21) About what percentage of the earth's surface is water? a) 60% b) 50% c) 70% d) 95% 22) When should you take antibiotics? a) For viruses b) For bacterial infections c) Never d) Whenever you feel sick 23) Is it true that the shape of a pregnant belly can help parents predict the sex of their baby? a) Yes b) No 24) Why are French, Spanish and Italian called Romance languages? a) They sound romantic b) They have roots in Latin, which was spoken by Romans c) They are only spoken by the Romani d) They were spread by those who roam 25) How many countries are there in the world? a) 50 b) 100 c) 200 d) 400 26) What is the official language of the U.S.A? a) English b) Latin c) Spanish d) There isn't one 27) How many planets are there in the solar system? a) 2 b) 8 c) 9 d) 11 28) The Koran is the holy book of which religion? a) Christianity b) Hinduism c) Judaism d) Islam 29) Which of these things causes autism? a) Genetic factors b) Vaccines c) The common cold d) You inherit it 30) Most of the wold's __________ occur in the area known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. a) earthquakes b) floods c) volcanoes d) tornados 31) Which is the world's largest desert? a) Gobi b) Sahara c) Mojave d) Thar 32) Which of these languages is English most closely related to? a) Russian b) German c) Gujarati d) Spanish 33) Which of these countries is not a part of Scandinavia? a) Denmark b) Norway c) Sweden d) The Netherlands 34) Is Puerto Rico controlled by the U.S.A.? a) Yes b) No 35) What percentage of the world's population has red hair? a) 0% b) About 2% c) 10% d) About 25% 36) Which German city is famous for the perfume it produces? a) Scenttgart b) Sniffburg c) Cologne d) Bremen 37) This famous director was behind the classics "Psycho" and "Vertigo"? a) Steven Spielberg b) Alfred Hitchcock c) George Hollywood d) Stanley Kubrick 38) The nucleus of an atom consists of... a) electrons and neutrons b) electrons and protons c) Protons and neutrons d) all of the above 39) Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda? a) Potassium chloride b) Potassium carbonate c) Sodium hydroxide d) Sodium bicarbonate 40) When is Messi's birthday? a) January 27th b) March 19th c) June 24th d) October 29th

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