What are the pluses and minuses of travelling with high and low budget?, Do you prefer a beach holiday or a mountains holiday? Why?, What is the best age to travel? Can children understand this experience?, If you had $100,000 to spend on holiday, where would you go? How about if you had $10,000? What about $1,000?, Would you like to work in the travel industry?, Where do you prefer to stay when you go on vacation? Hotel, hostel, Airbnb house / room, couchsurfing?, What are the most beautiful places you went to?, Do you prefer package tours or making your own trip?, What do you take with you when you travel? Do you try to pack light?, How do you choose where to go? Are you inspired by other people’s travel stories? Or photos? Or advertising?, Why do people travel? Why do you travel?, Do you like to talk to the local people when you travel? Why or why not?, Things can go wrong when you travel. Did you have any bad travel situations?, What is the best place for a vacation in your country? Why is it good?, Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation? Where? With whom?, Do you think space travel is dangerous? Would you like to try it?, Do you think people will travel to space on vacation more often than to Turkey and Egypt in 20 years’ time., Elon Musk says that we're on the verge of changing our means of transport from planes, buses, trains, etc. to space rockets. What is your attitude to this?, What small personal item would you take with you on a journey into space?, What kinds of feelings and emotions do you think you would have on the morning of a journey into space?,

travelling or space travelling



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