1) Giraffes are __________ animals. a) taller b) the tallest c) tallest d) the taller 2) In my opinion, science is _________ history. a) easy b) the easiest c) easiyer than d) easier than 3) Larissa is __________ singer ever! a) the best b) the better c) best d) better 4) A Ferrari is _________ my car. a) fast to b) the fastest c) faster than d) fat 5) The iphone is ___________ of these smart phones. a) the most expensive b) expensive c) more expensive d) the expensivest 6) Playstation 5 is _________ Nintendo 64. a) moderner than b) more modern than c) the most modern d) modern to 7) Bunnies are ____________ mice. a) more cute than b) the cutest than c) cute than d) cuter than 8) I think that math is ________________ school subject. a) more difficult b) the most difficult c) difficult than d) the difficultest 9) Your dog is _______ mine. a) faster than b) the fastest c) fast to d) more fast than 10) My house is ___________ in our neighborhood. a) the largest b) the most large c) larger than d) the more large

Y4 - Comparatives x Superlatives



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