put (sb) up - allow sb to stay at your house for a few days/weeks, get over - recover from, carry on - continue, come across - discover by chance, turn out - to develop or end in a particular way, put (sb) through - connect sb to the person they want to speak to on the telephone, pass on - to give someone something that someone else has given you, soak up - to spend time experiencing, listening to, or feeling something enjoyable, chill out - to relax, switch off - to stop the flow or operation of something, get behind with - to fail to do as much work or pay as much money as you should by a particular time, get out of - to avoid doing something that you do not want to do, get away with - to succeed in avoiding punishment for something, blow up - explode, get by - manage with difficulty with what you have,

Phrasal Verbs C1 - english file


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