1) __________ Jennifer run fast?  a) Does b) Do 2) __________ we go to school at 8.00 o'clock? a) Does b) Do 3) ___________ they play football? a) Does b) Do 4) __________ Ann and Tom go to bed early? a) Does b) Do 5) __________ you go to dance classes? a) Do b) Does 6) __________ Mary and Sam play video games?  a) Do b) Does 7) __________ the woman drive?  a) Does b) Do 8) ______ his bedroom have a desk? a) Do b) Does 9) _____ it snow in Russia? a) Do b) Does 10) ___________ your sister read a bookl? a) Do b) Does 11) _____ your kitchen have windows? a) Do b) Does 12) ___________ John and Mike play football? a) Do b) Does 13) ___________ Sarah play the violin? a) Do b) Does 14) ________ your family live in Massachusetts? a) Does b) Do 15) ________ it rain in the desert? a) Do b) Does 16) _______ your dog send an email? a) Do b) Does 17) _______ their phones have a camera? a) Does b) Do 18) _________ students like the class? a) Do b) Does 19) _______ the children chat with their grandparents a) Do b) Does 20) _____ the parents send a message to their children? a) Do b) Does


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