1) Mr. Chen ___ the captain(隊長)of his school basketball team before. a) is b) was c) has d) have 2) ___you in Taipei ten years ago? a) was b) am c) were d) is 3) A:___ you at home two days ago? B:No, I wasn’t. a) Are  b) Was c) Were d) Can 4) Lily was a businessman three months ___, but she’s a cook now. a) either  b) ago c) seldom d) before 5) Lily was a businessman three months ___, but she’s a cook now. a) either  b) ago c) seldom d) before 6) Mandy and I ___ good friends before. However(然而), we don’t talk now. a) are  b) is c) were d) was 7) Erin was born(出生)in the USA, but her brother ___. Her brother was born in Taiwan. a) was b) were c) wasn’t d) weren’t 8) A:___ you short three years ago? B:Yes, I ___. a) Was; was b) Were; were c) Was; were d) Were; was 9) At first, my restaurant’s business ___ not very good, but now it’s doing quite well. a) is  b) was c) does d) did 10) The tree ___ short last year, but it’s tall now. a) is b) was c) are d) were 11) Tina was short ___ before, but she’s tall now. a) two years  b) at c) in  d) ╳ 12) A:Were you a badminton player before?  B:No, I ___. But my sister was. a) weren’t  b) am not c) aren’t d) wasn’t 13) Jack was a tennis player before(在……之前)he came back(回來)to Taiwan, and his sisters ___, too. a) is b) are c) was d) were 14) A:Was Tanya really chubby(圓胖的)before?  B:Yes, she ___. But she is tall and slim(苗條的)now. a) is  b) was c) can d) does 15) I was 15 years old when(當……時)my grandpa passed away(過世). I was a junior high school student ___. a) that   b) there c) them d) then 16) I was a student at that school one year ___. a) ago b) before c) now d) then 17) Ivy:___ any students in the classroom then? a) Were there b) Are there c) Where were d) Where are 18) Many people were in Lillian’s birthday party, and she was very happy ___. a) after  b) now c) ago d) then 19) A:___ David and Peter short before? B:Yes, but they are tall now. a) Is  b) Was c) Were d) Are 20) Mr. Johnson was the student in this school ___. a) in twelve years  b) ten years ago  c) next year d) ten years before 21) Una ___ in the gym an hour ago. Maybe(或許)she’s in the library now. a) is b) are c) was d) were 22) The gym was clean two hours ___, but it is dirty after the dance party. a) next b) now c) then d) ago 23) My parents ___ doctors before. Now my dad is a farmer, and my mom is a cook. a) was  b) were c) is d) are 24) ___the food the day before yesterday yummy? a) Was   b) How’s c) Were d) How are 25) They ___the magic show and ___it a lot. It was really great. a) watch; enjoy   b) look at; like c) watched; enjoyed d) looked at; liked 26) Bob: Who cleaned up the living room?  Mia: Mom___ . It ___ not clean an hour ago. a) did; is   b) does; was c) did; was d) does; is 27) Ann: Where ___you last night?  Roy: I ___ at the library. a) did; did  b) was; were c) are; am d) were; was 28) Lily: Who ___ five minutes ago? a) help you b) don't you help c) did you help d) need help 29) Tina: ___ you  ___ your homework tonight?  Paul: No. Dad and Mom weren’t at home. a) Don’t; do   b) Are; doing c) Can; do  d) Didn’t; do 30) What ___? Where’s our cute dog Cody? I didn’t see him all day. a) happened    b) did that happen c) are happening d) can it happen 31) Dad was not at home last ___ . a) morning  b) afternoon c) evening d) night 32) Jim: Where___you last weekend, Meg? Meg: I ___ at my grandparents’ new house by the beach. a) were; was  b) was; was c) was; were d) were; were 33) Ken: Who talked to you from the bus five minutes ago? Bill: My grandma___ a) was  b) does c) did d) is 34) A: ___    Fiona build the dog house? B: Yes, she did. a) Didn’t   b) Does c) Was d) Can’t 35) David: Did you ___ English last night? Kevin: Yes, I ___ English for an hour. a) study; study   b) studied; studied c) study; studied d) studied; study 36) Andy ___a doctor now. He ___ a student four years ago. a) was; is   b) is; was c) was; was d) are; is 37) I ___breakfast this morning. I’m very hungry now. a) eat  b) don’t eat c) am eating d) didn’t eat 38) Emi: ___  you at school last Saturday? Bob: No, I___. a) Was; wasn’t    b) Did; didn’t c) Were; wasn’t d) Were; weren’t 39) My grandfather ___ a few years ago. My family was very sad. a) die  b) dies c) died d) is dying 40) Mom ___ the kitchen this morning, and ___ very clean now. a) cleans; it’s  b) cleaned; it was c) cleans; it was d) cleaned; it’s 41) I ___ do my homework last night, but my sisters ___   . a) wasn’t; were    b) didn’t; did c) am not; are d) don’t; do 42) Hebe: ___ a party at Jay’s new place last night? Ella: Yes. Everyone ___ so happy at the party. a) Was it; were   b) Were they; was c) Were there; were d) Was there; was 43) Dr. Lu can’t save Grandma’s life today. She ___, and we can never see or talk to her again. a) died  b) dead c) dying d) stopped 44) May: What ___ you do the day before yesterday? Sue: I  ___ a monkey show.  a) did; watched b) were; watched  c) did; saw d) were; looked at 45) Beth: Do you need ___ eggs? Lulu: Yes. I also need ___ flour. a) a few; a little   b) a little; a few c) a few; a few d) a little; a little 46) He put his toys back in his bedroom, but his brother ___ . a) does  b) did c) doesn’t d) didn’t 47) Jill: ___didn’t you come to my party last Saturday? Beth: Sorry, but I was too busy. a) What   b) How c) How come d) Why 48) Just ___  your eyes and ___ some rest. a) closed; got   b) closing; getting c) closes; gets d) close; get 49) Josh read the letter, but Linda ___   . a) does  b) did c) doesn’t d) didn’t 50) Why not  ___ that poor old man? a) help    b) helps c) helped d) helping 51) John___ a lot every day last week. a) eat and sleep   b) is eating and sleeping c) eats and sleeps d) ate and slept 52) Lucy: Who let you come in? Brad: Mom ___. a) was   b) is c) did d) does 53) How ___ your birthday party tonight?___   everyone have a great time? a) did; Did  b) did; Were c) was; Were d) was; Did 54) He ___comic books or ___  pictures in English class before, but now he doesn’t. a) read; drew   b) reads; draws c) is reading; drawing d) reading; drawing



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