Gwyddeles - merch o Iwerddon, arwr - hero, arwyr - heroes, barnwr - judge, barnwyr - judges, colur - make up, copi - a copy, copïau - copies, cyffro - excitement, Gwyddel - dyn o Iwerddon, Gwyddelod - pobl o Iwerddon, murlun - mural, murluniau - murals, rhos - heath, moor, rhosydd - heaths, moors, Rhufeiniaid - Romans, rhwystr - obstacle, rhwystrau - obstacles, trysor - treasure, trysorau - treasures, ysbryd - ghost, spirit, ysbrydion - ghosts, spirits, curo - to beat, effeithio (ar) - to affect, staffio - to staff, uno (â) - to unite (with), efydd - bronze, ofnus - fearful; frightened, Prydeinig - British, ar hyd a lled - the length and breadth, ar osod - for rent, cael gwared ar - to get rid of, codi llaw (ar) - to wave (to), dal ati - to keep at it, to persevere, yn ôl pob sôn - apparently,

Geirfa Uned 19 - Canolradd, Cymraeg i Oedolion (de)


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