ATP-PC system - anaerobic energy system that uses PC as its energy source, Anaerobic glycolytic system - anaerobic energy system that uses glycogen as its energy source , aerobic energy system - aerobic energy system that uses glycogen as its source, mitochondria - where aerobic respiration occurs, glycolysis - the breaking down of glycogen into pyruvic acid, beta oxidation - the breakdown of fats into acetyl coenzyme A, krebs cycle - 2 ATP are formed in this process and carbon dioxide is released, ETC - 34 ATP are formed, coupled reaction - 2 reactions that rely on each other, exothermic reaction - gives off energy, endothermic reaction - needs energy, energy continuum - a term describing the type of respiration used by physical activities, phosphofructokinase - enzyme that break down glucose into pyruvic acid, LDH - breaks down pyruvic acid into lactic ACID, EPOC - the amount of oxygen consumed during recovery above that which would be consumed at rest., fast component - replenish ATP, oxygen and PC, slow component - removal of lactic acid and replenish glucose stores, Cori cycle - process where lactic acid is transported in the blood to the liver where it is converted to blood glucose and glycogen, oxygen deficit - at the start of exercise when we respire anaerobically, lactate threshold - the point at which lactic acid starts to acumulate in the blood, OBLA - the point at which lactic acid levels go above 4mmol per litre, Buffering - a process which aids the removal of lactate and maintains acidity levels in the blood and muscle, RER - the ratio of carbon dioxide produced compared to oxygen consumed, VO2 max - maximum oxygen that can be taken up and used by the muscle per minute,


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